
Friday, July 16, 2010

I had a dream :)

Posted by Peien at 7:59 AM
I woke up at 5.30am today (actually almost everyday), feeling super restless. I had a dream, to help me through reality.

Everything was so real inside (except for the part that I'm actually DRIVING!!). The house, the people, the behavior, and you. It's so sweet and simple. I fell deeply inlove with you.

I slowly open my eyes, and I looked at my phone (the first thing I'll do in the morning), it was him. This is reality. He's the one who made me realize 'Hey girl, you need to wake up'. You know how I wanted that dream to be true.. It will never be true.

Please give me strength in the morning, cause it seems to be the most difficult time for me to survive when the world seems to retard.

Okay enough of emo-ing. Lol. My friend got me pie kia yesterday morning with one condition, stop being emo in Twitter and work. Haha! So nice of him! Funny guy... But can I shout F*** when it spells Work??!?? Really really ffffffffff-ed up. Oh my this is so not me!!

Like wth??!?!!? Going training course on my bday?!?!?? F. I'm thrown with 1 project that deadline is state to be 16th aug?!?!?? F. OT from next mon?!?! F. Enough for work.

I haven got my bday dress!!!! F. Haven got a birthday cake!!! F. Door gifts?! Oh my, F. Bday venue settings and theme??!? F. Ordered too little food and drinks!! F. Still got a balance of 1.9k to pay for the venue aft 1.2k deposit. F!!! Haven got time to look for giveaway gifts. F. Haven got myself a bday present. F. I got no time to do any of the above stated. F***!!!!

I need time I need time!! Tomorrow gonna be a tough day for me!
Morning work, lesson, look for Alicia, buy cake, dinner with gossip kings (if time permits!!). Ouch. I need some air, I need to breathe. But please A, don't ask me if I need any help when u see this. If u got no intention then good, but if u did, thanks but no thanks. Just give me a big ang pow with a few hundreds inside for me to survive the next month will do.

Ohmy, my post is wordy! I shall stop ranting now.

Love, en <3


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