
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday's scoop (:

Posted by Peien at 3:35 PM
Another long post today. Its good to summarize my whole week event on a relaxing Sunday (: Daddy kin is away from Singapore for business trip AGAIN! How? Im starting to miss him already.... :(

okay i shall start from my "SURPRISED" birthday celebration on last monday with my dear girl :) Power, all 12 were there (:

I said surprised up there, yes it was supposedly to be a surprised celebration for me until Jing called me and ask:

"EN! why is it you are the one texting everyone to come for that steamboat?!" 
"Ehh Dunno leh, Zoe ask me to inform EVERYONE, so i assume everyone is going?"
"Do you know this is a 3 people steamboat thingy? You, me and Zoe!"
"HUH?! i dunno leh! she never tell me got who, she say everyone so i just text everyone!! how how how?"
"Haiyo.. it was meant to be a surprised girl. I wan you to go there and then WOW! WHY EVERYONE IS HERE?!"
"You lousy organizer." 

Hahahahaha.. so can i say it was me who make that steamboat possible? Lol.. But nevermind, i had fun too (: with prissy darling and me ^^ She's so skinny! Grrr..
This is Jun Rong and Diana!
Clockwise: Liping, Yunqi, Liwei and Meige (: Thanks for coming too (:
Zoe, Jiaqi, Me, Yanli, Liping and Yunqi (: hahaha.. Qi is there to cover my arm. HAHHAHAHA!! she's so funny. 
Though i may seems like always bullying her, but then you should know i love you luh! Hahahaha!!
okay, this one really surprise me. HAAHA! The thing is, im so clever but i don't sense anything suspicious! Too busy eating le.. HAHA! Diana and Pris appeared with a apple strudel and a candle. Hahaha. they sang birthday song so loud for me! Im so happy!!!

and yah, im actually looking at Yanli and sing happy birthday to her because im so ps!

thank you girls (:

and some pictures before going home (:

okay after staring at the last pic, i feel that i really really really need a haircut soon. VON!!!!! hahahaha (:

Okay, next up Jamming session with Arts of Vengeance! Actually im quite excited about this jamming session because i never experience jamming before! But what really makes me excited is....

XU MAN!!! i was there, and i heard someone calling "PEIEN~~!~!~!~~~~~~~". OMG, that sounds so familiar! XU MAN!! I hugged her immediately the moment i see her dashing in. I MISS HER SO MUCH!

and the rocker team. HAHAHA.
its too dark to have nice photos in there!
and this is Joseph. He's going army soon. I dunno why i take picture or him, i just wanna dee siao him HEEEE :D

enough of pictures from my camera. HAHAHAHA! some professional camera's photos now.

its not that im taller than her, its just that she's sitting on that high stool beside me. HAHA! I LOVE YOU XUMAN!! muaaaaaaccks!

I was working on 2 projects now. I am very stress, very very stress. But its good that we got a nice pantry outside our workstation (: My favourite hang out place HAHAHA! This is how i wear now at work. This coat is fab! Super suitable for work. Hee :D
my Daryl!
with Boss and Daryl haha!

and Boss with Joanna. LOL!!

and now all the boring photos!

Was having company's branding talk at M Hotel early morning yesterday! Yawn~~ Head to sim lim with Joanna after the workshop (:

She bought quite a few things lar.. hahaha, not to mention what she bought, but i bought this!
External battery pack for my iphone by MiLi. Hahahaha!! nice milky pink color!! woots!

after that, meet Adrian and we went shopping (: had dinner at Spageddies. Nice spaghetti !

i don't know what is he digging.

and some loots i got from shopping. HAHA. but most of it is paid by HIM lar!! i only pay for the external battery :x Watches from Cineleisure! I pay myself one. HAHAHA! $5 each only lor, so cheap =x 

i got messy hair, and forgot to bring a rubberband out! Went to ArtBox and bought this bow rubber band. $5.90, but he insisted paying.

he got me this, Power Balance Band. This is expensive lor! $60++!! It was said to improve our body balancing? Okay, i really need one cause im shucks at balancing.

We got one each (:

Adrian bought me a nice sandal from Mitju too cause my pazzion sandal is eating my feet! Thats painful! Thanks lar, but please don't keep paying for me kkkkkkkkk!

Went teo heng together after some shopping. Went home at 1am plus cause really too tired to continue le. hais.. 

Saw some nice guitar yesterday, im going to get a guitar by next friday!! Hahahaha! Went in Chanel yesterday too, saw one nice chanel purse, ANYONE hasn't got any idea what to give me for bday? LOL!!

and went to look for the marc jacobs watch, that sales person told me its the previous collection!!! ARGHHH!!! its not producing anymore :( this is so sad.

my birthday is nearing and i have to start to prepare anything! 


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