
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Your one-stop solution to BUMPS is here!

Posted by Peien at 11:19 PM

Everyone has pimples from time to time, but there comes a time when enough is enough. If you're tired of covering blemishes and popping painful pimples, it's time you did something to prevent them. But, how do you prevent acne?

I'll try to help as much as i can!

Acne outbreaks aren't caused by stress.
Interesting huh? Its good to stay calm and clean lar, but washing your face too often or too vigorously will irritate your skin! How to say leh.. when you keep washing your face, your face will become too dry. When its too dry (cause you never go hydrate it), dead skins will be formed. When there's dead skin, it means there will be pore clogging. When your pore is clogged, it cannot breathe. When your pores can't breathe, TADAH! Pops! 

For dry skin: I suggest you people to exfoliate your skin twice a week to remove the dead skin and then HYDRATE it! Put mask 3 times a week? Hmm.. if not put sleep mask everyday. The product i intro will never be wrong k (:

For oily skin: I suggest you to exfoliate your skin twice a week too, and hydration is very important every night! But its uncomfortable to feel the oil on your face, so try to rinse it at least 6 times a day with pure water to maintain maximum freshness. If you're wearing make up, use a facial mist instead to maintain oil free. Prevent using oil blotting sheets cause it will irritates your skin. Try Aqua Splash Oil Block from Ettusais. Spray on your face from 15cm away and lightly pat with your hands (:

There's two types of oily skin:
Dry to oily - Your face will tend to produce oil when it gets too dry. Please check with the consultant whether your skin belongs to the dry skin category or oily skin category before buying a facial product. Small tips from me, see if your face peels and same time its oily. This is dry skin. You should go for a facial product for dry skin to clean your face. 

Pure oily - Have you ever wonder why oily skin people tends to get pimples than dry skin people? Bacteria is everywhere. Bacteria will stick onto your face easily when its oily. When there's bacteria, there will be infection (due to clogged pores). That's why you should rinse your face whenever you can to remove the oil. I can only help on some tips to prevent oily skin, not how to get rid of oily skin (which i don't think is possible due to hormones. ) Preventing it is good enough (: 

Im currently using two facial care product now. My skin belongs to Dry to Oily category. 
Facial - Clinique Facial Wash for dry skin.
Exfoliate - Jericho Dead Sea Salt Minerals Facial Scrub (i put my 100% trust on dead sea salt products) i invest quite alot of dead sea salt product because its really good for skin! At least its good on my skin lar, it can helps to reduce pigmentation too! Go read up! 

For sporty people: You will tend to sweat alot right. HAHA. Sweating itself does not clog your pores. Sweating + bacteria will then cause the clogging. Bacteria will stick on your face when there's sweat and  then eventually leads to pimple. Do not wash your face when there's sweat or when your face is warm! It will gives you white spot by doing so. Just wipe away those sweat with a tissue paper (or towel maybe?) and let your face to cool down abit before washing it. Normal (thorough) cleaning will do (: And don't think standing under the sun will help you kill the pimple. It will actually worsen it! Just remember to perform safety precaution to your pimple before heading out to the sun bah.. 

For people who use make up often: Try not to sweat when there's make up on. Its like a immediate effect to pore clogging when you sweat. When the sweat touches your makeup, it will cramp together forming patches and then eventually clog your pores. Try not to sweat lar, use more tissue paper when you're outside. Its very important that you cleanse your face thoroughly!! Any left over residue will result in clogging! Why not switch to a mineral make up product?? Some products i used to remove make up:
Cleansing Express Moist - less harsh to skin cause its water based.

Clinique rinse-off foaming cleanser mousse - really help clean my face thoroughly sia... 

 For lazy people who doesn't cleanse face at all: Eh.. at least wash your face every morning and night bah? I don't know what to recommend if you're lazy till you don't even bother to wash your face. Why not take note on your eating habit? Have more water (not necessary 8 glass of water, it actually depends on how much water you think your body needs) and less greasy food to prevent your body for becoming heaty. You'll get anything when you're heaty right, not just pimples. 

For people who are squeezing their pimples away: STOP! STOP! STOP! You are making it worse! You risk scarring when you pop your pimple! I know its very tempting to pop it but just try not to lah!! Okay lah, if you really really really really want to pop that pimple, make sure that your hands are clean! Clean your pop-ed pimple immediately and apply a pimple cream immediately to prevent bacteria from entering to worsen it! Im using:
Himalaya herbal acne and pimple cream - it doesn't seem to be acidic when i used it, so its definitely safe for face. Just apply some on your pimple, or apply it when your skin swells a little (the stage before pimple pops). This is not miracle lar, don't ask me why you apply the cream on your pimple today and its still there tomorrow. Best is to exfoliate your skin before applying a pimple cream (: 

And i uses Ettusais make up product on my face. A medicated series of product by Shiseido.  I uses most of the products there lah.. no point showing picture here when you can find it in the website. I use their make up base, liquid foundation, pressed powder foundation, eye line, blusher, shooter, toner, aqua splash, lip gloss, lip stick, concealer, nail polish, blah blah blah.... HAHAHA! hard core fans of Ettusais. 

I feel safe to apply their make up on my face (even if there's a pimple..) cause its medicated. My pimple never gets worsen before with their make up product on. So i put my 100% trust on Ettusais and will stick to Ettusais till something happens to my face.. lol.. 

Okay i think i shared enough, any enquiries just email me: (:


ah en on Jul 26, 2010, 8:16:00 PM said...

OMG!I need it a lot! Nyahahas..

Peien on Jul 27, 2010, 1:16:00 PM said...

HAHAHA! hope it helps (:

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