
Friday, September 03, 2010

Boring friday!!

Posted by Peien at 5:38 PM
Its lucky that i actually bring my laptop to work today. It was so boring can!! Waiting for afew 5000+ frames to be rendered, and the boss-es is using the room for meeting blah blah blah. Okay, im slacking at pantry, nothing to do might as well update something here?

The sian me.

super sian at office with my dear lappie (:

and the very cosy Joanna. haha

browsing through my iPhoto... thinking what can i share? Cause whatever i want to share is on FB already =x Okay, my birthday.

is the cookies nice? Its from Famous Amos k! bought 2+ kg of them and i need to carry them around for shopping! Heavy sia.. I pack till hand pain, but worth it (:

and then its my birthday at KSuite! Hope everyone enjoy themselves (: Its so tiring being a birthday girl... by the way, am i SUPERSTAR enough? Shimmering mini dress + two tone stocking + studded heels + the childish spec.. muhahaha

K-ing with SAMA SAMA! and dear xuman is behind the scene. Yoz!

with Isaac (the unexpected) and Shawn! Shawn is a very nice guy friend to me (:

my secondary school cliques! muhahaha i love you all! Someone asked me why i never invite any guys from secondary school, the thing is i don't know who to call lah.. Im not close with those guys anyway..

Ending with Prissy and Xuman and the PURINK balloons~

Enough image for my birthday. For more just go see my FB all those people tag one. I lazy to share sia, so many photos eh. Ugly/Unglam let it be =x

and then the pressie's i got from all my love ones (:
Agnes B earring from my parents. HAHAHAA!! to tell the truth, i almost cried when my mum pass me this. Im expecting for a necklace but when i open it, it was a pair of earring. And its DANGLING! oh my, i don't wear dangling earrings!! and i want a necklace!!!! :(

i keep saying i wanna cry already i wanna cry already. And i just sit in my room emo doing nothing until my mum and sis cannot take it, they come in my room and say "we'll get one later for you." On my birthday celebration that day okay!!

Yipeeeee~ Instantly become the happy girl again. Hahaha.. Its a gift from my eldest sis, thank you!! *muacks*

and this naughty boy keep walking around with his sponge bob bag pack while im unpacking my present. and then he came to me and sit down on my lap. He's cute (:

thank you everyone for coming (: you made my birthday possible!!


and then i had a nice dinner at Botanical Garden with D. Ehh.. what's the name of the restaurant? Hana? Forget it, lets see what we had that night (:

this is nice! something to do with seafood but i forgot the name... NICE!

D had lamb chop. Din try his lamb chop but should be nice bah? cause the seafood is really nice!!!

and this is our plain water of the day. I din ask how much cause im afraid to know. I don't know why is it in glass bottle (its like red wine bottle), but i love drinking that. Though it taste like plain water, but expensive plain water just different. HAHAHA. 

Thank you D for the great dinner (: Hope this meal is still affordable to you.. if not really must wash plate for them ah!! 


and this one die die must share! NDP with my mei mei, YY and XUMAN~! Very hot!

Awwwwww... so sweet! Muhahahhaa! Outcast me directly. I think they don't know there's such picture exist in my camera bah!!

Tahdah~ Cute YY with 2 flags on his cheek.

Im holding on a umbrella cause the heat is burning us alive!!!!! 

Hahaha.. hope both of you like my picture (:

and the parade starts..

Okay, time check 5.30pm. Bye everyone go shopping lor~~~ (:


slow on Sep 4, 2010, 9:33:00 PM said...

ahahahah darling~~~~~i miss you eh~~cant wait to see u on monday!! =))
loll~i llook so fat sia~ lucky yy is even fatter!LOL =X HAHAH i love you first pic~ sho pretty~~ahhahahahah~*love~~~

Peien on Sep 9, 2010, 9:59:00 AM said...

You where got fat sia xuman darling~~ you are forever skinny in my <3!! Yar lor, YY fat. HAHAHHAHHAA!!!

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