
Friday, September 03, 2010

Jay Chou's music is nice:)

Posted by Peien at 9:20 AM

I never really like Jay Chou (周杰伦) in the past before. It's always the case whereby I will 'skip' his song when I'm listening to my mp3.

My poly cliques (the guys) love him sia. Everytime when there's k session, there will always be Jay Chou's medley. And I love to give a sian face when I saw the few pages of song list all by him. Now I wonder is it them which makes me more determine not to listen to his song (cause the guys cannot make it, hahahhahaha). I got to know Jay's music through them and I know it's not really a good start:x

It's until Sama Sama told me that 稻香 is a happy pill. You'll feel happy when you listen to that song. 'Okay, I'm going to listen to that song when I'm home, I remember I had it inside my mp3........ ' opps:x okay I know that song, I've been hearing it during those k session, but wth it sounds so nice in my mp3?!!

The rhythm is nice, the lyrics is nice, the music is nice, the meaning is nice, the overall feel is nice. Very nice lah! Music can really affect my emotion. Especially David Tao's (陶泽) 爱我还是他. Can really really sense his heartbreak and stuff. I feel sad, but it's really nice. And A-mei's (张惠妹) 我恨我爱你, I almost teared when I sing that cause the emotion is so strong. Nice song.

And I like Stephanie Sun (孙燕姿) too!!! Not A-Mei but Stephanie Sun. Favourite!! Her music is nice la.. But my mei mei don't like her. *翻白眼* Angela's (张韶涵) voice is nice too! But her type of song not cater for me:x

And and and my favourite band group, Shin!!!!! 信乐团!! Oh my.. faint.
His vocal powerful lah!! And so shuai also!!

Oh my god.. *faint again*. You know I really like walking pass Hang Ten and it really makes me smile cause Shin is there!!! He look so cute there!! *drools...* okay lah, I really like their music, not just because of him.

Okay the k feeling 来了. Date me out for k okay? I won't reject this time :)


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