
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Posted by Peien at 3:46 PM

1` single, taken or crushing?- Single

2` are u happy with ur life now?- Average

3` when u meet the right person, do u fall in love with him fast?- as you say is right person le, but will not inlove with him fast lar. Must see how well we progress, if really can be together, i will love him forever. =)

4` have u ever had ur heart broken?- yeah.. but not very often.

5` do you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?- NO!

6` would u take back someone if she cheats you?- NO!

7` have u talked abt marriage with another person before?- yeah.. hahas.

8` do you want children?- still thinking, dun really love kids. =x

9` how many?- if want den maybe 1 or 2 lor.

10` would u ever consider adoption?- see if my thinking towards children will change when i grow up or not. if yes, then why not?

11` if someone likes you now, wad is the best way to let u noe his/her feelings?- best in come and tell me if he wants me to know. i'm abit slow, can't get hints.

12` do u enjoy getting into relationships?- see my partner is who.

13` honestly, wad's the furthest thing u and ur ex did?- bungee together.

14` do u believe in love at first sight?- NO!

15` are u romantic?- sure. but also depends if he's worth it

16` do u believe dat u can change someone?- what for change someone? just let them be themselves.

17` if u could marry someone, where will it be?- ROM? lols.. jk. never really go and think before. maybe England?

18` do u give in easily when fighting?- which fight? no matter is which type i won't give in de if i think i'm not wrong.

19` do u have feelings for someone right now?- yupp..

20` have u ever wished u could have had someone but messed u it up?- YES!

21` have u ever broken a heart?- quite often..

22` if one day ur best fren fell in love with the boy/girl u are deeply in love with, wad would u do?- FIGHT! hahs..

23` are u missing someone right now?- now ar.. no.

name 5 frens u want them to do dis survey:

1` anyone
2` anyone
3` anyone
4` anyone
5` anyone


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