
Friday, November 03, 2006

Posted by Peien at 12:03 AM
--DeaD BloG--
hasn't been udpating for SO LONG. sick for so long. sians. but now recover le =) NOW then RECOVER lor~ got gastric flu for 4 days. i wonder what had i been doing for the past few days. can't remember much. lazy to talk to much also. hahas.. ytd (011106) went to RP watch POLITE badminton competition. really interesting~ hahas. went home with glenn. reached home at 10.10pm. =(
the day before (311006) went to andreas house help him do art. i trace till hand so pain sia! then the glenn help abit dun wan help liao. qi doing her math. dreas busy colouring. then i alone tracing all the way. can cry. lucky in between go lots of laughter. think of it also wan to laugh. HAhaHA.
today went to DownTown with pris and qi. go follow pris take her pay coz we all no $$ to book chalet.. HAhahS.. after taking pay then go to pasir ris central de bank to bank in the cheque so can use immediately. we walk walk walk then i behind using phone so i see bank jiu go in le. then qi and pris scold me for entering UOB bank, keep saying me stupid den pull me to POSB bank. Long queue sia.. den pris go queue alone. Half way then realise.. "eh? we all under 18 leh, how to book chalet??!?" hahas.. so pris called Jack to help and he agreed =). so i think 1 hr past le, and its pris turn at the counter. for not more than 1 min she come out and look for us, keep laughing. she told us " the lady say i go wrong bank leh.. my cheque is UOB de not POSB. She still say i think the bank close liao.." we all HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA~ feel so stupid sia. in the end no $$ take. no chalet le=) must wait till monday. see i was right to go in UOB bank firstly. they still say me stupid. hahas~ i think i'm the cleverest among them de lor~ after that qi say wan buy bubble tea. hahas!! she ordered mango snow shake. she drink till half way then suddenly say " very not nice to drink leh, who wan it? " hhahas!! i was like " already say not nice liao then still want us to try.. " hahas!! bo bian, she threw away the whole cup later. went to TM later on. also alot of funny things happen. but must show out de, say out not funny. hahas! alright i think thats all le. =)
-qi staying with me today (031106)


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