
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Posted by Peien at 12:03 AM

now time is 0000. 5 more hours got to leave Singapore le. hahas! for wad? MY BELOVED COUSIN'S WEDDING! i got a new party dress =)nice huh.. hahas!! but abit low leh. share wear something inside too. this dress resembles Zoe's dress leh. HAHAs.. but this is MINE not ZOE's. attention hor. getting so excited. hahas. can be pretty how i look after wearing this beautiful dress leh.......why i look so fat ar? aiyah.. my mei dunno how to take picture with camera. take me till so fat. still dare to say " why u look so chubby in it? " anyhow only. shall take her's and show u all next time. she look FATTER lor! got a close up shot too =)
now all covered up. hahas!! no more sexy sexy liao. and my daddy got my jie, me and my mei a diamond ring each =) but it's custom-made de lar. hahas. from my daddy's ring modify till 3 ring. see the reflected part in the middle? its the diamond. HAHAS!! so nice. hopefully i wun misplace this. if not i dunno i will cry up for how many days. hahas!! hopefully i wun eat ALOT there. everytime come back will gain so much weight. HAHAs. hard time slimming down you know! i just wan to stay at 45kg. and thats perfect le. HAHAs. dunno when will i be coming back wor.. hahas!! so wait for me! i'll be back soon to POST! =) bye everyone. MISS YOU!
to hanling,
i love u.


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