
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm going Hong Kong!! :)

Posted by Peien at 2:08 AM
It's nearly 2am and I'm still yet to pack my luggage!! I'm waking up at 5 and get ready by 545am and head to the airport. Feel so full now sia!! Don't feel like doing anything at all!

Had Marche with dear xuman just now!!

It's surprising that 2 lady can finish 1 pizza, 1 rosti, 1 veggie mix, 1 minestrone, 1 salmon and 1 cup of drinks each. You should know my appetite not big lah!! My gastric is now adapting to the sudden increment of food intake.. Grrrr..

But the problem is, I reached home at 11pm and my mum say 'en, I left some bak kut teh for u..' *faint* okay mum, I remember I told you I'm not coming home for dinner tonight...... And then she look at me innocently.

'Okok I'll eat, anyway I WASN'T FULL at all.'

*vomit* the fact is that I full like hell! Really so bloated till cannot make it. And bak kut teh... Oh my.. *faint*

Add some songs into my shuffle, and try on my new ear phone... SHIT! My ear phone doesn't come with a volume controller, so how am I going to control my shuffle??!?!!! Sian half!!!! Like waste $$ for nothing :(:(:(

Okay I think I seriously need to go pack my luggage now. Byezzz^^


Samantha on Aug 26, 2010, 1:18:00 AM said...

En! Why you so blur? HAHAHAs.. buy a headphone without volume controller! HAHAHAs.. nvm.. come back sooon! I miss you!

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