
Monday, August 30, 2010

This is seriously seriously bad.

Posted by Peien at 9:18 AM
*Daddy & Mummy, I know you may not love me as much as my two other sister, but I just wanna let you know that my love for you is irreplaceable. It's okay if you doesn't feel it cause that's what you think so.*

Okay my parents is driving me nuts. No matter what I do, they somehow will have some excuse to lecture me. To them, I'm just someone who never change. But why should I change when I like it this way? It's not that I'm doing something bad outside and not coming home? What if I really be good just to please you? Is that what you want? Can you at least tell me why is it I'm wrong? What did I do wrong? Did I lie? Did I commit crime when I'm out? Did I learn bad? What did I do wrong?

And why is it I should stop pipa? Just because I do not want to be a pipa teacher now? How can you crush my dream for me? This takes time. It's not something you can achieve overnight. Though I already got my grade 8 cert, but that doesn't mean I'm good enough to be what I want to be. I want it so much to be a teacher and to be a performer. It's not easy to endure. So you think that I'm not disappointed to have my grade 9 exam last year? I got no time to practice due to fyp. I'm disappointed too! And I'm more disappointed to skip grading exam this year! I wanted this exam so badly, but you wouldn't know how much I want that DISTINCTION more than anything else. I'm really really treating this seriously. I need another year to prepare for my distinction.

Nevermind. Oh ya I went HK last Wednesday. My daddy took picture of me when I'm wearing my shoe -_-

N you know what? The salesperson at HK say my dressing too SLOPPY! Wth is SLOPPY? Do you know I can suck your tennie meenie store just by selling my that damn checkered shirt?! Still ask me to F off cause I'm sloppy. Piss off. I just step in only leh, then got chase out. I really don't like HK lah!

And and and this is J! Muhahahahaha!! Forgotten I had a Polaroid that day n dear Xuman reminded me:):):)

Happy happy happy, still so happy to see him haha! Thanks for dropping by that day:)

p/s don't go around and make assumption. If you wanna know anything just approach me and ask. I will give you my 100% truthful answer without any hesitation.


Jing Jing said...

Hey enbaby:) of everyone I think I would understand how ure feeling coz I hav 2brothers being favoured by my parents each.things got so bad that I lost my room and had to sleep in the living room.a salesman came by one day while I was sleeping and asked my parents why was I on the mum blantantly replied that 'oh no she's jus having a nap here.she like sleeping here' my heart broke into pieces at that horrible big fat lie.I moved out shortly after and took to supporting myself.Zoe and Qi knows how bad it was.jess too.coz we hung out.more than often watching a movie is a luxury and I hav to constantly fret over how to settle my next meal.people ask why I'm so stick thin I replied 'coz I dunhav enuff to eat' they laugh.I laugh too.only at how pathetic I sound.over the years this has been a catalyst for me to strive even harder at work in life.I worked hard at earning money.determined not to let my child experienced the same.I grew bitter and resentful. But as we go along the process u realize that hey,since u can't change the past jus let it go.ure the only one ending up feeling sour.ain't no point.and whn I look at how much my parents has aged everytime I open that door u jus can't find the heart to hold that grudge lesson no.1 if you dun fight for urself no one continue fighting on.ure the one living ur life.ur parents dun.they can give advice but ultimately u are the one that will enjoy/suffer the consequences.but of course u dun '三分钟热度!' we know u are very capable of that!hahas.rmb that absurdly ridiculous dress sense of urs in sec sch?hahas!ahh..fond jia you alright en?hope my sharing will make u feel better.someone out there close to you been thru worse smile en!be around positive people!makes ur day brighter!

Anonymous said...

"your daddy mummy love you so much, but you always complain that they dun love you? just because they scold you for going out too often and they feels you are neglecting them?" they already told you wat is wrong, just tat u r not accepting their answers as "an answer"...

you need to manage your time between frens & family - both r important, but it seems like - only your frens are prioritized. All of us dun have much time to spare, we have too many things in our hands/mind...& sacrifice is something you got to learn. you have been pampered and showered with so much care and concern, but u always feels tat you didn get enough? if you see above jing's reply, dun u think u have got so much more? your view is very narrow & selfish, it is always about yourself & yourself only. u got to think macro.

if pipa is really something tat u want to do - then prove it and NOT 1)skipping/postponing lessons due to some 'last min outings/events/gatherings' 2)been late for ya lessons & attend only 20mins and wasted the other 25mins? You NEED to strive for performing chances/competitions etc to show tat u r serious abt pipa, you need to show the efforts and practice you have put into pipa (talk only got no use - u need to show results n prove something if this is really wat u want?)...
Some ppl go to the extend of taking up extra work to earn more cash for something tat they really wants to learn & achieve - just want to let u know - tat u r taking it for granted.

i love you so much & i will help u in anyway i can... i may be wrong in some thoughts, but u can always correct me.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous, I like yr comments and you said it all right. How many years yr mum spend for yr pipa tuitions fee? Who brought u a $1800 pipa? Who celebrate yr birthday at k- suites? Telling us we don't love u? I am disappointed with yr comments.

Anonymous said...

En, I had not talk to yr mum what u think? If she knows that what u actually feel, she not only be sad but hurt with yr comments. Print yr thoughts out and save for yr records . Hopefully after 10-15 yrs, if we are still around, tell us what we have done is all wrong .

路人甲 said...

好好珍惜你的现在所有的。因为不是每个人都像你那么幸福。不要等到失去了,才后悔。。 我相信你父母,姐妹,都是很在乎你的。好好珍惜他们吧!

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