
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Posted by Peien at 10:30 PM
set alarm clock at 8am coz meeting andreas at 10am. then 8am alarm triggered. i wake up, "TAK" then sleep again. hahas.. by the time i wake up... OMG!! 9.45am liao!! faster grab my phone message him. hahas.. SORRY~ very tired. then continue sleep again till 11am. woke up have breakfast then do nothing do nothing nothing.....
TK called me: " triska got come for eng class today or not? "
me: " HUH! got english class ar! okok.. coming!! TELL TEACHER I'M COMING!!! "..
then i faster get changed. rush rush rush.. TK called again.
" Triska u coming le mah? "
me: "Coming Coming.. going out NOW!"
TK:"No no.. DUN GO OUT!! teacher say no more english class. "
me: "AwWw... WHY~~~~ *thunder roars~~~~~*"
TK:"ai yah.. nevermind lar. anyway good luck to you ar"
me: "thanks.. good luck to you too~"
sians.. so went to andreas house after that. pass him my physics ten-years-series. hahas.. then i do my english. do till half way feel like sleeping. suddenly i heard foot steps. its coming nearer. i turn my face around. WA! saw a bai chi face outside the door. HAHAs. SAMANTHA xiao jie lai de. still buy so many titbits. HAHAs. she tot she come here picnic. then i help her finish the whole CHIPS MORE~ *nah.. actually andreas ate the last one* do till half way i go play his organ. lol.. i haven even play for 2mins he come and snatch the organ away. then he keep playing. then i nothing to do le =( walking around see here see there touch here touch there. then ARGH! cannot take it le. take his physics paper sway infront of him. he bo bian. stood up and go study again. HAHAS.. den i play play play.. then sing song also.. they got luff abit coz i off tune. HAHAs. but still better than Qi. HAHAs.. play till no song for me to play liao.... went back to the table and flip the dictionary. then Qi suddenly say wan eat something salty then ask andreas fry omelette for her. He dunwan. hahas! then say "EH, I GOT CUP NOODLE!! COME COME!!" me and qi follow him to the kitchen. he used his leg and open the drawer. NO CUP NOODLE INSIDE!! then he use his leg to search. its like so unhygenic lor!! then i say
"dun tell me you use your leg to crack the egg hor!"
he:"hahas.. dun anyhow lar u"
me:"what anyhow.. scarely is real de"
he:"why not you say i use my leg and slice hotdog..then i use my leg and take bread out..."
me:"then use your leg to spread the jam.."
etc etc etc *laughs*
abit stupid. then he called him mum to buy dinner. he ask us what we want to eat. we dunno mah so say anything lor. he called and ask for 2 chickenchop rice with fries. then he ask him brother what he wan to eat. his brother shout "ANYTHING~" then andreas straight away say "mum, 3 chickenchop with rice and fries.." after dinner, me and qi continue with our work. then suddenly dreas disappear. its 7.30pm le. want go home liao. so i go inside his room look for him. HAHAS!! the book is on his hand, open, and he's SLEEPING!!! everytime sleep de lor. never before study with him he never sleep de. hahas!! so ok lor, ask his mum to open door for us. then i think nothing much le. anyway i taking O level english tomorrow. all the best to me. =) and of coz all the best to ALL MY FRIENDS!
something i wanna share:
after seeing my sec1 drawing....
Mason: i still remember k 1..i drew an apple
me: hahas, then? got worm ar??
Mason: no...i colour the apple black and teacher say perfect..
Mason: now i know she lying to me
me: hahas.. perfect drawing for a rotton apple mah
me: ur teacher not wrong
Mason: den k2 or primary 1 , my mum let me join art class
me: hahas..then?
Mason: teacher ask us draw 2 chickens and 4 chicks... if cant finish, cannot go home den i was the 1st to finish .. guess wad happen
me: u draw 1 big circle den 4 small circle?
Mason: no.. my hand itchy lo...during tat time
me: then?
Mason: 1 and lf hr lesson... den i see still left lf hr ma...den i draw ...end up 26 chicks and i cant finish colourign and i cried


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