
Monday, November 06, 2006

Posted by Peien at 12:17 AM
today performance at EXPO. hahas.. wad LIM's something something something dinner lai de. many wear coat ar, formal ar, ai yah.. dunno wads all that abt jiu shi le. Reached CC at 10.45am. So early huh... hahas.. first time in history i reached so early.. then my chairman give me that shocked face.. hahas!! so i practice practice till 1pm like that jiu break liao.. go for lunch with my CC crew (ALL OF THEM!! hahas) at eastpoint foodcourt. Then diana today stomach pain keep going toilet.. HAHAs..then we slack quite long at food court talking abt WESTERN MUSIC.. then dunno why become INVENTORS.. then talk talk talk will talk till GALAXY there.. then still got fann wong come out.. hahas.. dunnno wad we talkin also. then got ppl ask "why Mozart is famous?" then i ans " i tot is he chop his father de tree down?" everyone laugh like mad lor. i really tot is Mozart chop de mah.. how i know is Washington. Mozart is a great composer. now i know le mah. Then beethoven is deaf de. Newton is the one who discover gravity. Black hole really do exist in the galaxy and its of a hour glass shape and it will bring u to the other galaxy. the rest i forgot le. hHAhas.. then still got talk abt dunno who create the milk packet de. forgot her name. Is a female scientist found a method to prolong the expiry of milk which is to heat it and pack it. then i ask "then why we must put into fridge?" diana say " like that then nice mah" everyone laugh. hahas. the reason is, cause when we open it, the milk contacts with the surrounding so we must store in the fridge to prevent this from happening. After a long lame chatting session, we went to popular. i bought a new Chinese Storybook. hahas.. very nice de. then go arcade play awhile. play FIND IT for about 6-8 rounds? hahas.. then walk back to CC, get changed and we set off =) **fast forward** start performing at 7.30 like that. stop around 8.35pm. then later play again. ahas.. actually i got SOLO de lor. when i get ready le the spot light suddenly "PIAK" off liao den a bunch of aunties come out and sing. WT*!!(heh glenn, tt not counted hor! hahas) so i get down the stage and SAD~~~~ my friend still buy rose for me lor.. so sweet. thanks yun qi, thanks liwei, thanks meige, thanks liping, OH not liping, should be THANKS DIANA XIAO JIE!!! hahas.. leave expo abt 10.45pm? reached CC 11plus liao. winston send us home.. hahas.. i carry too many things liao, can't possibly take bus, or WALK HOMW?? hahas.. thanks winston for the free ride. hahas~~ alright, nothing much le. =)


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