
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Posted by Peien at 12:57 AM
today O level EL Paper starts at 8am. i 7.15am den woke up. HAHAs.. 7.45am den leave house. luckily 7.55am like that reached the exam hall. Hahas.. hope this time round i can pass my english with FLYING COLOURS.. hahas!! today write essay, i wrote about "Dreams". There's one part which i wrote about my parents objecting me taking up chinese orchestra, then how i overcome everything.. i write till my tears flow out from my eyes. dunno what i write also. i remember my tears formed when i wrote "daddy, mummy, this is for you." hahas.. when did i get so emotion de ar?? eh.. hahas.. after that go simei find qi. meet for lunch. after lunch saw prissy that group and then jing that group. hahas!! so qiao.. hope they can score well today too. after that study at BK. i hate MATH PAPER 2 SO MUCH SIA~ dunno how to do. hahas.. but still manage to solve some of the question. after that andreas came. awhile later kelvin came. then both guys walked away say buy bubble tea. but 1 hour passed le they still not back yet. hahs. then qi ask " en, they go ITALY buy bubble tea ar? " hahas.. after that they come back. inbetween kelvin said ALOT of stupid things then make us keep laughing.. hahas~ after that kel left. me, qi, dreas went to pet safari and see dog. then the andreas so bai chii. Ed Hardy Siao. eh u wan ur dog to win PARIS HILTON de dog.. i think wait long lor.. i think her dog die your Ed Hardy doggie also can't win hers de lar. hahas!! walked home. then *skip skip* reached home around 7.30pm. inbetween got something happen.. HAIS!! SAD LAR! almost feel like crying liao, then Project Runway appear. hahas. then forget about everything le. today's project runway still so NICE~ hahs.. eh.. get back to the main topic. today SAD LAR! but after that alright le. hm.. fast.. haiyah.. shuo lai hua chang so i dun say much liao. -iheartu-


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